Tuesday, March 6, 2012

East Lancashire Hospice - Professional Studies

The original Hospice was the life work of Dame Cicely Saunder who opened her first Hospice, St Christopher's,  London in 1967. Her theory was to concentrate on the patient rather than the disease. This theory rose when touring  and lecturing in America. She introduced the idea of specialised care for the terminally ill. She emphasised that this care had dramatic effects on controle of the illness. These early theories are the foundations that modern hospice care has developed as we know it today.

East Lancashire Hospice has been in existences for over 25 years.  The current building was built with the funds raised by its supporters. The Hospice get no funding from government or NHS as I had previously thought. There is a dedicated team of fundraisers that have to find nearly £2.8 million per year to provide the excellent care that the patients find invaluable. Many think the Hospice is a place of sadness and it is a place you go before you die. This could not be further than the truth. In fact on my many visits to the Hospice I have always found it a very special place. No matter if you are a patient, visitor or staff member, everyone is made to feel special.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Introduction - Professional Studies

Following the Professional Practice assignment in semester one, students are asked to continue  their chosen style of photography into the Professional Studies assignment. The aim of the Professional Studies assignment is to concentrate the skill of the student in their post graduation photographic career choice. This then comes to a conclusion with the students organising an exhibition in a local establishment. This can be a library, art galley or small business. The aim is to organise a semi to permanent exhibition of work. This is only the first part to the assignment. The second part is to use literature as an influence to create imagery of a visual metaphor. Both parts have to be taken into consideration when developing ideas. There's no point in hanging images that  have no relevance to the establishment that are exhibiting your work.